Businesses can boost democracy by encouraging workers to vote in spring election | Opinion

Letters to the Editor
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

As business leaders, we often focus on driving growth, innovation, and profitability within our companies. Yet, amid our daily pursuits, we must not overlook our role in nurturing the democratic fabric of our communities. With the Wisconsin Spring Election on April 2 fast approaching, it’s time to reiterate the importance of supporting voter participation among our employees.

At Wisconsin Business Leaders for Democracy, we recognize the fundamental connection between political stability in our local environments and the health of our businesses. A robust democracy relies on the active engagement of its citizens, and as employers, we have a unique opportunity to foster this engagement within our workforce.

Reserve time for employees to vote. It's their civic duty.

Allowing employees the time and flexibility to vote or volunteer not only aligns with democratic values but also strengthens our businesses. By prioritizing voter participation, we empower our employees to exercise their civic duty, contributing to a more informed and engaged electorate.

Moreover, supporting voter participation enhances employee morale, fosters a sense of belonging, and demonstrates our commitment to corporate social responsibility. It sends a powerful message that we prioritize not only business success but also the well-being and democratic rights of our employees and communities.

Voter participation is essential for the future of democracy

As we navigate the complexities of our modern business landscape, let’s not forget the profound impact we can have on shaping the future of our democracy. Let’s lead by example and stand as champions for voter participation in the upcoming Wisconsin Spring Election and beyond.

Together, we can strengthen our democracy, empower our workforce, and build more vibrant and resilient communities for generations to come.

John Florsheim and Greg Westley, Wisconsin Business Leaders for Democracy