We need patriotism, not severed heads, to make America great again

Public cursing, smashing things and posing with fake bloody noggins won't solve our problems.

Eric Metaxas
Opinion contributor
The Statue of Liberty in 2004.

Remember when Mark Twain and Matthew Brady did that daguerreotype with the fake bloody head of Honest Abe? What about after Pearl Harbor when Bob Hope and Jerry Colonna mugged for the Newsreel cameras holding FDR’s noggin? No? But surely those presidents were despised by millions. Why didn’t comedians at the time pull stunts like that? I think it has to do with patriotism.

There was a time in America when patriotism was the norm, and so were generally accepted limits in how we expressed civic disapproval. The voting booth was the main form of dissent.

When did a normal and healthy patriotism begin to fall out of favor? Many would agree it began during the Vietnam War's flag-burning era and was sadly countered with an unthinking hyper-patriotism typified in the slogan: “America, Love it or Leave It!” Thus, an atmosphere of enshrined adolescent rebellion in the 1960s took over. It then quickly moved from academia and found a home among our cultural elites, where it has lived ever since.

We may disagree on many details, but I hope we can agree this trend is climbing toward a grotesque acme and needs our attention. That is, unless we want to surge toward a French Revolution-style bloodbath, which is always our option, n’est-ce pas?

A unifying spirit of patriotism is vital for the United States to continue to exist. Since America is not based on ethnicity but on the unprecedented idea of liberty and self-government, we are incapable of truly being America unless most Americans understand and appreciate their country. Seriously attempting to solve our problems will require some measure of maturity and therefore will typically preclude public cursing, smashing of things and-or posing with severed heads.

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Patriotism means that despite our differences, we can nonetheless all agree on something larger, something that transcends us as individuals. It means we can celebrate what is good and heroic and true in our culture and nation; it means we understand that we are all in this together and need to make it work; it means we understand that when we petulantly cease to love our country, we saw off the very limb on which we all sit. 

During the 1950s, my dad came here from Greece and my mom came from Germany. They met in an English class in New York City and raised me to love the country they had adopted. However, in the public school education I received during the 1970s, we skipped learning the greatness of America. We weren’t taught to memorize poems like Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Paul Revere’s Ride, or to desire to be like George Washington.

When I got to college in the 1980s, professors actively taught against patriotism in the classroom. It was cool to hang Soviet propaganda posters in one’s dorm room — which I did — but it would be extremely uncool to display an American flag. A narrative had taken hold that America was not the strong, heroic country protecting the weak; it was the abusive stepdad who needed to be kicked out and arrested. I drank this anti-American Kool-Aid and became deeply skeptical of anyone who wrapped themselves in the red, white and blue.

Not long after the 9/11 attacks, my wife and our then 2-year-old were on a ferry headed to Jersey Shore, N.J. While on the boat, I saw the Statue of Liberty against the deep blue sky, nobly holding out her golden torch to the world. Our proximity to the recently vanished Twin Towers gave the statue poignant context. It was a life-changing moment filled with emotion.

It was then that I knew I loved my country, and felt shame for ever taking her for granted.

There’s a Greek proverb that says, “If a man does not boast about his house, it will fall on him.” Can we no longer boast about what makes us great? Do we really think burning down the house can ever lead to anything positive?

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Benjamin Franklin got at this when he said, "If we do not all hang together, we will all hang separately." If we do not begin to understand and appreciate what made us great — including the noble and flawed heroes of our history, who risked life and limb so that we could have liberties unlike any before in the history of the world —  we can never again be great. We can never again be the “shining city on a hill” that caused millions to want to be like us. When my parents passed the Statue of Liberty in the ships that carried them to our shores, they didn’t roll their eyes — they were deeply moved. They understood that this was the real thing, a noble experiment in liberty that was worthy of celebrating and, if at all possible, joining.

The thing we must now all rebel against is rebellion for its own sake. The thing we must #Resist is resistance for its own sake. We must dare to express our love of this country and its promises if we ever hope to solve our problems.

If some among us are too proud or too angry to do that, we must resist the urge to take them too seriously. We need to have the maturity to let them stew in their rebellion for as long as they want, loving and praying for them all the while, hoping that they might at last come to their senses and then come down to supper with us again.

Eric Metaxas is a writer and nationally syndicated radio host. His latest book is If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty, just out in paperback. Follow him on Twitter: @ericmetaxas

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