Trump needs to visit a Japanese American internment camp: Column

There is no racial or religious test for being an American. We should not start one now.

Shirley Ann Higuchi

My parents, Dr. William Higuchi and Setsuko Saito, first met in sixth grade at school. It wasn't as normal as it sounds. The school was at Heart Mountain, Wyo., one of the Japanese American internment camps created by Executive Order 9066 signed in 1942 by President Franklin Roosevelt.

For almost 75 years, Japanese Americans have struggled with this legacy. Families lost livelihoods to a wartime hysteria. Government investigations before and after Pearl Harbor showed no threat to the United States by the residents of Japanese ancestry in the United States.

Apparently Carl Higbie, a spokesman for a super PAC that backed President-elect Donald Trump, has not learned the lesson. During an appearance Wednesday with Megyn Kelly on Fox News, he cited the internment as a justification for a registry of immigrants from Muslim countries. Such a registry, Higbie said, would “hold constitutional muster.”

“We’ve done it with Iran back a while ago,” Higbie told Kelly, who was stunned. “We did it during World War II with the Japanese.”

This rhetoric terrifies many American citizens and immigrants. It smacks of the prejudice that denied Japanese immigrants the right to own property and to become American citizens, even while their sons were fighting and dying for the United States in Europe, Asia and the South Pacific.

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An abandoned building and smokestack at the Heart Mountain internment camp in 2005. An interpretive center is now on the camp's site.

While it might pass constitutional muster, that is only because of one of the most reviled Supreme Court decisions of the last 100 years: the 1944 ruling in Korematsu v. United States. That 6-3 ruling upheld the government’s right to create a controlled zone where people of Japanese ancestry could not live, and the camps in which many of them were imprisoned.

Champions of freedom of expression, such as Justice Hugo Black, voted to uphold this unjust system, which Justice Frank Murphy called the “legalization of racism. Racial discrimination in any form and in any degree has no justifiable part whatever in our democratic way of life. It is unattractive in any setting, but it is utterly revolting among a free people who have embraced the principles set forth in the Constitution of the United States.”

The late Justice Antonin Scalia called Korematsu one of the worst decisions in the court’s history, along with the Dred Scott ruling that upheld the institution of slavery.

“Well, of course, Korematsu was wrong,” Scalia said in a February 2014 forum at the University of Hawaii. “And I think we have repudiated it in a later case. But you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again.”

Higbie’s comments make Scalia’s prediction uncomfortably accurate, as do those by Kris Kobach, an adviser to Trump on immigration. Kobach said Trump’s advisers were considering sending him a proposal for a national registry of immigrants from Muslim countries.

Racism, under whatever justification its supporters can find, is still racism. It goes against what makes us all Americans. There is no racial or religious test for being an American. We should not start one now.

This racism created the internment camps that held my parents, their families, friends and thousands of innocent people. Sixty-two percent of them were U.S. citizens.

Two blocks from Capitol Hill sits the National Japanese American Memorial. This National Park Service monument bears the names of the 10 camps to which 120,000 Japanese Americans and their families were sent out of fear and the names of 800 men who died fighting for the United States during World War II, often while their families were imprisoned by their own government.

This was a crime for which the U.S. government apologized and paid reparations. The Civil Liberties Act of 1988, which was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan, was written by two men who learned the lessons of racism firsthand.

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Rep. Norman Mineta, a California Democrat, was imprisoned with his family at Heart Mountain. His father lost his insurance business during the war. Sen. Alan Simpson, a Wyoming Republican, grew up near the camp in Cody, Wyo. They met when Simpson’s Boy Scout troop visited Mineta’s during the war.

Their bipartisan voice swayed their fellow members of Congress, including Republicans Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney. Our nation apologized for this wrong, and we hope this great country will avoid being forced to make another apology.

Trump, whose campaign comments alarmed so many Americans, would be well served by a visit to Heart Mountain to see firsthand the consequences of unchecked fear.

Shirley Ann Higuchi is a lawyer in Washington and chair of the board of the Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation.

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