Creepy clown sightings reported in Sheboygan

Phillip Bock

SHEBOYGAN - The creepy clown craze has apparently reached Sheboygan.

Gags the clown went viral when this photo of him in Green Bay showed up in August. It turns out he's the title character in "Gags," a short horror film that will have its world premiere Oct. 3 at De Pere Cinema.

Several reports came in Sunday night of multiple clowns wandering near the Vollrath Park area and the Sheboygan Armory building at around 8 p.m., according to Sheboygan police.

At least one report claimed a clown was trespassing in someone's yard.

“We got called last night in the early evening hours that people dressed as clowns were in someone’s backyard; it was odd,” Sheboygan Police Sargent Ryan Schmitt said. “We went to the area and were unable to find them.”

Sheboygan police said they were unable to substantiate the Sheboygan sightings and found no clowns wandering the streets Sunday.

“It’s likely just pranks, but we take everything seriously,” Schmitt said. “If there is someone intentionally harassing somebody or trespassing, which is probably what the initial call was, or disturbing the peace, we’ll deal with that as a criminal issue.”

Reports of costumed clowns have sprung up as a kind of urban folklore after several sightings across the country in recent weeks. More regionally, a creepy clown wandering the streets of downtown Green Bay touched off clown fears and conspiracy theories beginning last August, but that sighting turned out to be a marketing ploy for an independent film.

RELATED: Green Bay's creepy clown was marketing ploy

The Sheboygan sightings touched off a fervor of activity on social media, with some claiming they were locking their doors, closing their curtains and arming themselves.

Police said wearing a clown outfit in public is not a crime, but police will intervene if individuals are breaking the law.

“If people have a concern about someone’s actions they should call the police. Don’t take matters into their own hands,” Schmitt said.

Schmitt said police will handle sightings on a case-by-case basis, but urged the public not to participate in the growing — and potentially dangerous — fad.

“We’re trying to tell people: don’t do this. It’s going across the nation, but it’s just a fad,” he said. “If they’re dressing up to cause fear in people, then that’s not acceptable.”

A spokesperson for the Dominion of Terror, a haunted house that opened last weekend in Sheboygan, said they were not involved with the clown sightings.

"That is not our staff, nor affiliated with our haunt," a statement from the organization said. "We usually stick with zombies during the day and forewarn the public, police and businesses beforehand."

The phenomenon has even managed to get the attention of the White House, where Press Secretary Josh Earnest was asked about the recent rash of creepy clown arrests on Tuesday.

“I don't know that the president has been briefed on this particular situation,” Earnest said. “Obviously, this is a situation that local law enforcement authorities take quite seriously and they should carefully and thoroughly review, you know, perceived threats to the safety of the community and they should do so prudently.”

Reach reporter Phillip Bock at 920-453-5121,, or @bockling on Twitter